Fair compensation for wounded, sick and injured veterans

Urge your MP to call on the Department for Work and Pensions and local authorities to stop classing compensation awarded for injuries sustained whilst serving our country as income, when determining benefits and pensions.

This leaves many veterans and their families disadvantaged. We are asking for a unified approach to calculating support across all forms of benefits and for Armed Forces Compensation to be disregarded as income. Families should not have to receive less, or forgo the welfare support they are otherwise entitled to.

Therefore, we must ask MPs to persuade the Government to take action!

We’ve suggested some text you can use, but please, if you are able, do edit it to make it more personal – we know that MPs are more likely to take notice of personalised emails and queries, which are infinitely more powerful than standard letters.

If you receive a reply from your MP, please let us know by contacting our Senior Public Affairs and Policy Manager Ted Arnold at ted.arnold@helpforheroes.org.uk. This will help us gather intelligence for our campaigns.

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